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12/5【原民院特別講座一】本院特邀來自加拿大的Dr. Margaret Kovach主講Considering what it means to center Indigenous knowledges in research

【原民院特別講座一】Considering what it means to center Indigenous knowledges in research


講題:Considering what it means to center Indigenous knowledges in research

講者:Dr.Margaret Kovach

服務單位:College of Education, University of Saskatchewan

演講時間:2013.12.05 10:30-12:00





  Increasingly within qualitative research terms as Indigenous conceptual framing or Indigenous methodology have been utilized to describe methodological approaches that seek to uphold Indigenous epistemology, theory, and method. But how are Indigenous methodologies generally understood, and further how are Indigenous methodologies put into research practice. This discussion begins with a brief overview of several key characteristics of Indigenous methodologies with a focus on several specific aspects of Indigenous methodologies that evoke how both knowledge and the self is implicated in how we position ourselves within knowledge construction.  This presentation seeks to explore the following questions:  What are Indigenous methodologies? Is this approach for everyone? What are some of the challenges and possibilities?  This discussion concludes with reflections on the shared principles of Indigenous methodologies within a global context.
