一、最低畢業學分數(Minimum graduation credits): |
畢業學分(Graduation credits):30.0學分(credits) |
專業必修(Professional Required):9.0學分(credits) |
專業選修(Professional elective):21.0學分(credits) |
二、重要相關規定(Important regulations): |
Course Title(Chinese) |
Course Title(English) |
Course Number |
Credit |
*Prerequisite course or #Background course |
Remarks |
專業必修(required) |
專題研究 |
Independent Study |
DDS_50420 |
3.0 |
二下 原科目代碼:IAED50420 |
民族發展與社會工作理論 |
Theories of Ethnic Development Studies and Social Work |
DDS_50800 |
3.0 |
一上 原科目名稱:發展理論 原科目代碼:DI__50800 |
研究方法與論文寫作 |
Research Methods and Thesis Writing |
DDS_52000 |
3.0 |
一上 原科目代碼:DI__52000 |
專業選修(elective) |
民族研究理論 |
Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism |
DDS_50330 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__50300 112學年度前為必修課。 |
部落工作 |
Fieldworks in Tribes |
DDS_50010 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50000 |
原住民族生態與觀光 |
Topics in Indigenous Ecology and Tourism |
DDS_51010 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__51000 |
文化研究理論 |
Cultural Studies |
DDS_52200 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__52200 |
國際原住民族專題 |
Seminar in Indigenous Peoples of the World |
DDS_57300 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__57300 |
自然資源與環境政治 |
Natural Resources and The Politics of Environment |
DDS_56800 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__56800 |
空間與社會理論 |
Space and Social Theories |
DDS_56200 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__56200 |
族群政治專題 |
Seminar in the Ethnic Politic |
DDS_57100 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__57100 |
原住民族人權專題 |
Seminar in Indigenous Rights |
DDS_58000 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__58000 |
多元文化教育專題 |
Seminar in Multicultural Education |
DDS_50710 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50700 |
原住民族土地專題 |
Seminar in Indigenous Land |
DDS_51400 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50400 |
原住民族與研究倫理專題 |
Indigenous Peoples and Research Ethics |
DDS_51710 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50710 |
原住民族與當代政治哲學 |
Indigenous Peoples and Contemporary Political Philosophy |
DDS_50790 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50790 |
積極賦權行動專題 |
Seminar on Affirmative Action |
DDS_50000 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DDS_50000 |
原住民族自治專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous Self-Government |
DDS_50740 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50740 |
台灣原住民族史專題研究 |
Seminar in the History of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples |
DDS_50810 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50800 |
原住民族政策專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous Policy |
DDS_50380 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50380 |
原住民族運動與原住民族主義 |
Indigenous Movement and Indigenism |
DDS_50930 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50930 |
臺灣原住民族人類學研究專題 |
Seminar on Anthropology of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples |
DDS_50890 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50890 |
觀光人類學專題 |
Seminar on Anthropology of Tourism |
DDS_50210 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50210 |
民族經濟與產業專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous Economics and Industries |
DDS_50500 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50500 |
原住民族知識專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous Knowledge |
DDS_51000 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED51000 |
當代原住民族議題 |
Modern Indigenous Issues |
DDS_52300 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__52300 |
原住民族社會工作專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous social work |
DDS_50880 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50880 |
社會工作研究法 |
Research Methods for Social Work |
DDS_50310 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50310 |
社會工作實習(一) |
Social Work FIeld Practicum (Ⅰ) |
DDS_50750 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50750 |
進階社區工作 |
Advanced Community Work |
DDS_50830 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50830 |
貧窮與社會救助專題 |
Seminar on Poverty and Public Assistance Topic |
DDS_50940 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50940 |
家庭及兒少社會工作專題 |
Seminar on Family Services and Child Welfare |
DDS_50100 |
3.0 |
國際社會工作專題 |
Seminar on International Social Work |
DDS_50090 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50090 |
多元文化社會工作專題 |
Seminar on Multicultural Social Work |
DDS_50320 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50320 |
部落工作與部落營造專題 |
Seminar on indigenous community work and empowerment |
DDS_51100 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED51100 |
老人福利專題 |
Seminar on Welfare Service for Elderly People |
DDS_50760 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50760 |
身心障礙福利專題 |
Seminar on Welfare Service for Disabled People |
DDS_50820 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50820 |
社會工作督導專題 |
Seminar on Social Work Supervision |
DDS_50840 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50840 |
社會企業專題 |
Seminar on Social Enterprise |
DDS_50180 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50180 |
長期照顧專題 |
Seminar on Long-term Care |
DDS_50400 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50400 |
災變社會學與社會工作專題 |
Seminar on Disaster Social |
DDS_50260 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50260 |
質性研究方法 |
Qualitative Research Methods |
DDS_51200 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50200 |
量化研究方法 |
Quantitative Research Methods |
DDS_50910 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50900 |
臨床社會工作專題 |
Seminar on Clinic Social Work |
DDS_51810 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50810 |
社會工作輔助治療專題 |
Complementary Therapies within Social Work |
DDS_50730 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IDSW50730 |
行動研究法 |
Action Research |
DDS_50360 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50360 |
社會醫學專題 |
Seminar on Social Medicine |
DDS_50900 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50900 |
原住民族保護性社會工作專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous Peoples' Protection Issues |
DDS_50110 |
3.0 |
心理衛生與精神醫療照顧專題 |
Seminar on Mental Health and Psychiatric Care |
DDS_50430 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50430 |
生態與健康專題 |
Seminar on Ecology and Health |
DDS_50510 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50510 |
社區照顧專題 |
Seminar on Community Care |
DDS_50440 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50440 |
原住民族語文調查專題 |
Seminar on Indigenous Linguistic and Cultural Field Survey |
DDS_50240 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50240 |
原住民族語言分析與典藏 |
Analysis and Archiving of Indigenous Languages |
DDS_50480 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50480 |
原住民族語言教學專題 |
Seminar on indigenous language teaching |
DDS_50390 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50390 |
原住民族語言復振與政策專題 |
Seminar on language revitalization and language policy |
DDS_50700 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50700 |
應用語言學專題 |
Seminar on Applied Linguistics |
DDS_50370 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50370 |
傳播理論專題 |
Communication Theory |
DDS_50250 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50250 |
原住民族傳播專題 |
Seminar on Communciation for the Indigenous Peoples |
DDS_55500 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__55500 |
原住民族影像專題 |
Indigenous Visual Topics |
DDS_50300 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50300 |
媒體,文化與社會 |
Media, Culture and Society |
DDS_54800 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:DI__54800 |
傳播科技與發展專題 |
Communication Technologies and Development |
DDS_50200 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50200 |
媒體製作專題 |
Seminar on Media Production |
DDS_50410 |
3.0 |
原科目代碼:IAED50410 |
結構語言學專題 |
Seminar on Structural linguistics |
DDS_50600 |
3.0 |